Weet jij wat Pilates is? Wil je beginnen met Pilates-oefeningen? Dit artikel is voor jou: laten we samen Pilates voor beginners ontdekken

Wat is Pilates?

Pilates is een vorm van hereducatieve, preventieve en hypothetisch therapeutische gymnastiek gericht op houdingscontrole. Vooral de wervelkolom- en balanscontrole zouden baat moeten hebben bij regelmatige Pilates-oefeningen.

In tegenstelling tot veel andere vormen van gymnastiek volgt de Pilates-methode principes die gebaseerd zijn op een precieze filosofische en theoretische basis. Het is dus geen eenvoudige reeks oefeningen, maar een echte methode die zich in de afgelopen zestig jaar van oefenen en observeren heeft ontwikkeld en voortdurend heeft verfijnd.

Het doel van de schepper, Joseph Hubertus Pilates, was om mensen bewuster te maken van zichzelf, hun lichaam en hun geest, om ze te verenigen in één enkele, dynamische en functionele entiteit.

Ben je geïnteresseerd in Pilates voor beginners? Blijf lezen.


Als Pilates met continuïteit wordt beoefend, verbetert het:

  • Flexibiliteit
  • Isometrische kracht en weerstand
  • Controle en balans.

Over het algemeen is Pilates gunstig, vooral voor sedentaire mensen, maar er is geen bewijs dat het effectiever kan zijn dan alternatieve therapieën.

Pilates voor rugpijn? Ja, Pilates kan rugpijn tegengaan door direct in te grijpen op de onderliggende oorzaak.

Om precies te zijn: dankzij deze methode kunt u de houding verbeteren door algemene stijfheid en spanning te elimineren, enkele van de belangrijkste oorzaken van rugpijn.

Pilates voor beginners

Soms heb je geen tijd om naar de sportschool te gaan of te gaan hardlopen. Wil je Pilates thuis proberen, maar weet je niet waar je moet beginnen? Pilates thuis kan worden gedaan zonder het gebruik van machines.

Hier enkele oefeningen en tips over Pilates voor beginners:

DE HONDERD. Handig voor het versterken van de buikspieren. Om dit uit te voeren, ga je op een yogamat liggen, met je gezicht naar boven en je benen gebogen, waarbij het lumbale gebied perfect aan de vloer kleeft, met de handpalmen naar beneden gericht. Begin door je benen langzaam omhoog te tillen, totdat je ze volledig ontspant.

Plaats tegelijkertijd uw armen evenwijdig aan uw lichaam en til uw hoofd en schouders op, waarbij u ze ontspannen houdt en weg van uw oren. Op dit punt, terwijl u de handpalmen naar beneden blijft houden, maakt u twintig kleine duwtjes met uw armen naar de grond, zonder de vloer te raken.

Houd uw buik stijf tijdens de duur van de oefening. Met deze bewegingen kunt u de coördinatie en flexibiliteit verbeteren.

STRETCH RUGGENTEL. Handige Pilates-oefeningen om de wervelkolom te versterken. Om het correct uit te voeren, begin je op een yogamat, met de benen gestrekt en op afstand van elkaar, waarbij de opening overeenkomt met de breedte van de schouders. De armen moeten gestrekt zijn en evenwijdig aan de benen.

Vanaf hier is het raadzaam om uit te ademen en te buigen, waarbij u de romp naar voren brengt en de buik samentrekt. Het hoofd moet tussen de benen worden neergelaten, terwijl de armen naar voren gaan, altijd gestrekt en evenwijdig aan de vloer, totdat je de maximaal mogelijke afbuiging hebt bereikt. Blijf een paar ogenblikken in deze positie, adem dan in en keer terug naar de startpositie.

Het doorbuigen mag niet pijnlijk zijn, doe de oefening binnen de grenzen van uw mogelijkheden. Met de stretch wervelkolom rek je de spieren van de nek, de buste en de achterkant van de benen.

ROL OM. De startpositie is op een yogamat, met de rug naar de grond, de benen gestrekt, de armen langs de zijkanten gelegd en de handpalmen naar de grond gericht.

Vanaf hier adem je in en breng je met een lichte en gecontroleerde stoot je benen naar achteren, waarbij je ervoor zorgt dat ze zo parallel en strak mogelijk zijn totdat ze de vloer raken. Adem vanaf hier uit en keer langzaam terug naar de startpositie, waarbij u de wervels één voor één met de mat aanraakt.

Deze oefening verbetert de flexibiliteit van de wervelkolom en heeft een positieve invloed op de versteviging van de buik en benen.

Pilates thuis, net als in de sportschool, heeft geen bijzondere contra-indicaties. Het kan worden uitgevoerd door iedereen die in goede gezondheid verkeert. Pilates-oefeningen moeten echter op de juiste manier worden uitgevoerd om spierspanningen en andere soorten problemen te voorkomen.

Vond je dit artikel over Pilates voor beginners interessant? Deel het met je vrienden!


123 reacties

  • William Bill


    As a Vietnamese citizen living and working in Spain , my life took an unexpected turn in 2019 when I embarked on a contract job with a construction company. At the age of 28, I was optimistic about the opportunities that lay ahead, but little did I know that a dark cloud was looming on the horizon. My descent into the depths of despair began with a devastating blow to my financial well-being. A crypto investment, which I had hoped would secure my future, crumbled before my eyes, leaving me reeling from the staggering loss. The culprit? The Covid deflation, they said. It was a harsh reality to swallow, and I found myself plunged into a pit of despair. In my quest to reclaim what was rightfully mine, I turned to countless crypto recovery experts, each promising salvation but delivering only disappointment. Despite their assurances, my efforts proved futile, and I found myself sinking deeper into debt with each failed attempt. The weight of my losses, totaling over 10.065221 BTC and exceeding USD 250,000, threatened to crush me under its crushing burden. The toll it took on my mental health was immeasurable. Depression and anxiety became constant companions, casting a shadow over every aspect of my life. It seemed as though there was no escape from the relentless cycle of despair and desperation. But just when I thought all hope was lost, a ray of light pierced through the darkness. Captain Jack Crypto Recovery Company emerged as a beacon of hope in my darkest hour, offering a glimmer of possibility where none seemed to exist. With nothing left to lose, I reached out to them, clinging to the fragile hope that they could offer me a lifeline. To my astonishment and relief, Captain Jack Crypto Recovery Company responded swiftly to my plea for help. Their urgency and professionalism were a stark contrast to the empty promises of others, instilling me with a newfound sense of hope and optimism. With their expertise and determination, they embarked on a mission to track down the swindlers who had robbed me of my hard-earned funds. What followed was nothing short of miraculous. Captain Jack Crypto Recovery Company worked tirelessly to dismantle the scammer’s private wallet, leaving no stone unturned in their pursuit of justice. Their relentless pursuit of my stolen assets culminated in a triumphant victory, as they successfully recovered what was rightfully mine. I cannot express the depth of my gratitude to Captain Jack Crypto Recovery Company for their unwavering support and unwavering commitment to justice. They not only helped me reclaim my lost funds but also restored my faith in humanity. In a world fraught with deception and betrayal, they are a shining example of integrity and compassion. I endorse Captain Jack Crypto Recovery Company to anyone who finds themselves victimized by crypto scams. Their professionalism, expertise, and unwavering dedication make them a beacon of hope in an otherwise bleak landscape.

    Telegram: @captainjackcrypto1

    WhatsApp 📞 +4915782317112

  • William Bill


    As a Vietnamese citizen living and working in Spain , my life took an unexpected turn in 2019 when I embarked on a contract job with a construction company. At the age of 28, I was optimistic about the opportunities that lay ahead, but little did I know that a dark cloud was looming on the horizon. My descent into the depths of despair began with a devastating blow to my financial well-being. A crypto investment, which I had hoped would secure my future, crumbled before my eyes, leaving me reeling from the staggering loss. The culprit? The Covid deflation, they said. It was a harsh reality to swallow, and I found myself plunged into a pit of despair. In my quest to reclaim what was rightfully mine, I turned to countless crypto recovery experts, each promising salvation but delivering only disappointment. Despite their assurances, my efforts proved futile, and I found myself sinking deeper into debt with each failed attempt. The weight of my losses, totaling over 10.065221 BTC and exceeding USD 250,000, threatened to crush me under its crushing burden. The toll it took on my mental health was immeasurable. Depression and anxiety became constant companions, casting a shadow over every aspect of my life. It seemed as though there was no escape from the relentless cycle of despair and desperation. But just when I thought all hope was lost, a ray of light pierced through the darkness. Captain Jack Crypto Recovery Company emerged as a beacon of hope in my darkest hour, offering a glimmer of possibility where none seemed to exist. With nothing left to lose, I reached out to them, clinging to the fragile hope that they could offer me a lifeline. To my astonishment and relief, Captain Jack Crypto Recovery Company responded swiftly to my plea for help. Their urgency and professionalism were a stark contrast to the empty promises of others, instilling me with a newfound sense of hope and optimism. With their expertise and determination, they embarked on a mission to track down the swindlers who had robbed me of my hard-earned funds. What followed was nothing short of miraculous. Captain Jack Crypto Recovery Company worked tirelessly to dismantle the scammer’s private wallet, leaving no stone unturned in their pursuit of justice. Their relentless pursuit of my stolen assets culminated in a triumphant victory, as they successfully recovered what was rightfully mine. I cannot express the depth of my gratitude to Captain Jack Crypto Recovery Company for their unwavering support and unwavering commitment to justice. They not only helped me reclaim my lost funds but also restored my faith in humanity. In a world fraught with deception and betrayal, they are a shining example of integrity and compassion. I endorse Captain Jack Crypto Recovery Company to anyone who finds themselves victimized by crypto scams. Their professionalism, expertise, and unwavering dedication make them a beacon of hope in an otherwise bleak landscape.

    Telegram: @captainjackcrypto1

    WhatsApp 📞 +4915782317112

  • William Bill


    As a Vietnamese citizen living and working in Spain , my life took an unexpected turn in 2019 when I embarked on a contract job with a construction company. At the age of 28, I was optimistic about the opportunities that lay ahead, but little did I know that a dark cloud was looming on the horizon. My descent into the depths of despair began with a devastating blow to my financial well-being. A crypto investment, which I had hoped would secure my future, crumbled before my eyes, leaving me reeling from the staggering loss. The culprit? The Covid deflation, they said. It was a harsh reality to swallow, and I found myself plunged into a pit of despair. In my quest to reclaim what was rightfully mine, I turned to countless crypto recovery experts, each promising salvation but delivering only disappointment. Despite their assurances, my efforts proved futile, and I found myself sinking deeper into debt with each failed attempt. The weight of my losses, totaling over 10.065221 BTC and exceeding USD 250,000, threatened to crush me under its crushing burden. The toll it took on my mental health was immeasurable. Depression and anxiety became constant companions, casting a shadow over every aspect of my life. It seemed as though there was no escape from the relentless cycle of despair and desperation. But just when I thought all hope was lost, a ray of light pierced through the darkness. Captain Jack Crypto Recovery Company emerged as a beacon of hope in my darkest hour, offering a glimmer of possibility where none seemed to exist. With nothing left to lose, I reached out to them, clinging to the fragile hope that they could offer me a lifeline. To my astonishment and relief, Captain Jack Crypto Recovery Company responded swiftly to my plea for help. Their urgency and professionalism were a stark contrast to the empty promises of others, instilling me with a newfound sense of hope and optimism. With their expertise and determination, they embarked on a mission to track down the swindlers who had robbed me of my hard-earned funds. What followed was nothing short of miraculous. Captain Jack Crypto Recovery Company worked tirelessly to dismantle the scammer’s private wallet, leaving no stone unturned in their pursuit of justice. Their relentless pursuit of my stolen assets culminated in a triumphant victory, as they successfully recovered what was rightfully mine. I cannot express the depth of my gratitude to Captain Jack Crypto Recovery Company for their unwavering support and unwavering commitment to justice. They not only helped me reclaim my lost funds but also restored my faith in humanity. In a world fraught with deception and betrayal, they are a shining example of integrity and compassion. I endorse Captain Jack Crypto Recovery Company to anyone who finds themselves victimized by crypto scams. Their professionalism, expertise, and unwavering dedication make them a beacon of hope in an otherwise bleak landscape.

    Telegram: @captainjackcrypto1

    WhatsApp 📞 +4915782317112

  • William Bill


    As a Vietnamese citizen living and working in Spain , my life took an unexpected turn in 2019 when I embarked on a contract job with a construction company. At the age of 28, I was optimistic about the opportunities that lay ahead, but little did I know that a dark cloud was looming on the horizon. My descent into the depths of despair began with a devastating blow to my financial well-being. A crypto investment, which I had hoped would secure my future, crumbled before my eyes, leaving me reeling from the staggering loss. The culprit? The Covid deflation, they said. It was a harsh reality to swallow, and I found myself plunged into a pit of despair. In my quest to reclaim what was rightfully mine, I turned to countless crypto recovery experts, each promising salvation but delivering only disappointment. Despite their assurances, my efforts proved futile, and I found myself sinking deeper into debt with each failed attempt. The weight of my losses, totaling over 10.065221 BTC and exceeding USD 250,000, threatened to crush me under its crushing burden. The toll it took on my mental health was immeasurable. Depression and anxiety became constant companions, casting a shadow over every aspect of my life. It seemed as though there was no escape from the relentless cycle of despair and desperation. But just when I thought all hope was lost, a ray of light pierced through the darkness. Captain Jack Crypto Recovery Company emerged as a beacon of hope in my darkest hour, offering a glimmer of possibility where none seemed to exist. With nothing left to lose, I reached out to them, clinging to the fragile hope that they could offer me a lifeline. To my astonishment and relief, Captain Jack Crypto Recovery Company responded swiftly to my plea for help. Their urgency and professionalism were a stark contrast to the empty promises of others, instilling me with a newfound sense of hope and optimism. With their expertise and determination, they embarked on a mission to track down the swindlers who had robbed me of my hard-earned funds. What followed was nothing short of miraculous. Captain Jack Crypto Recovery Company worked tirelessly to dismantle the scammer’s private wallet, leaving no stone unturned in their pursuit of justice. Their relentless pursuit of my stolen assets culminated in a triumphant victory, as they successfully recovered what was rightfully mine. I cannot express the depth of my gratitude to Captain Jack Crypto Recovery Company for their unwavering support and unwavering commitment to justice. They not only helped me reclaim my lost funds but also restored my faith in humanity. In a world fraught with deception and betrayal, they are a shining example of integrity and compassion. I endorse Captain Jack Crypto Recovery Company to anyone who finds themselves victimized by crypto scams. Their professionalism, expertise, and unwavering dedication make them a beacon of hope in an otherwise bleak landscape.

    Telegram: @captainjackcrypto1

    WhatsApp 📞 +4915782317112


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