The Diet of Longevity: How to cure with food?
Valter Longo has dedicated his career to anti-aging therapies research and experimentation. In his first book "The Diet of Longevity", which benefits have been donated to research, the scientist explains gradually the studies that led him to the creation of what we know now as the Diet of Longevity and the Fasting Mimicking Diet.
In the light of the discoveries that encourage a proper nutritional education, we get ProLon, the clinically tested kit for cellular regeneration and longevity!
The diet of longevity
The intention was to find a method that could be an integration strategy for standard cures and, as a result, open up new perspectives for improving existing therapies.
The Diet of Longevity, research:
Therefore, Pr. Valter Longo, the Director of the USC's Longevity Institute in Los Angeles and the Institute of oncology at IFOM in Milan, has made food an advantageous and alternative tool that could make the difference for patients.
The Diet of Longevity is based on 5 disciplines that support the scientific evidence of the program. The use of these five areas of research has led to identify the positive and negative elements for our health.
Therefore, it is proposed as a real lifestyle, to adopt 365 days a year.
We can define it a modern version of the classical Mediterranean diet of our grandparents. A "poor" diet that favours the consumption of mainly plant-based food and low in animal proteins.
Epidemiological studies clearly showed how following the food tradition of our centenarians, made of simplicity, it is possible to heal our own body.
Let's discover some aspects!
It sounds like a vegan diet, but actually, it is not!
Indeed, the diet of longevity includes fish 2/3 times a week and some eggs to ensure the contribution of all the amino acids we need.
According to the scientist, a fully vegan diet does not ensure to our body all the nutrients it needs, and does not always lead to positive effects. The concern is, in the long term this can lead to malnutrition.
The animal proteins, red meat ones, are totally excluded because they cause the growth of the hormone IGF-1, which promotes aging and, consequently, the various diseases related to aging.
Diet is like a set of molecules made to accelerate or reduce cellular aging. Eating well is important and even so the choice of what to put in your plate, the choice that must be seen as a mission whose goal is reaching the longevity.
The importance of physical activity!
Much of what we eat has a determining influence on our appearance and our psychophysical well-being, but at the same time, a sedentary lifestyle is considered to be one of the key factors in abdominal fat growth and development of cardiovascular diseases.
Physical activity is another mean of prevention. Longo explains that, if it is regular, it can promote the regenerative processes of our body.
In collaboration with the University of Verona, he adds, a study on muscle strength is starting with non-professional athletes. The main idea is muscular strength can increase independently of the increase of muscular mass.
A recipe for living up to 110 years old therefore exists. Do you know what the most surprising thing is? That you can live long and healthy!
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