If you want to lose weight and get in shape, it is good to know that there are some varieties of vegetables more indicated than others to be included in your daily diet.
How to lose weight?
First of all, fresh foods are to be preferred to industrial ones. Without any doubt, vegetables are always the best choice both to purify the body and to introduce vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals.
However, that you have to choose the right ingredients: specifically, some vegetables help to lose weight thanks to their beneficial action on fat and liquids, accompanied by the high amount of fibers and water that increase the sense of satiety and help to manage hunger pangs.
You should think that some of them even have negative calories, that is, with a calorie level low enough to allow the body, in metabolizing it, to use more calories than those taken.
Keep reading to know the list of vegetables to include in your daily diet to lose weight.
Vegetables to lose weight
- Lettuce
Green leafy vegetables and lettuce, in particular, are foods rich in vitamins and minerals, including magnesium. They contain fiber and are satiating. Lettuce has beneficial relaxing effects in case you suffer from anxiety, even more, if caused by slimming diets. It contains 17 calories per 100 grams, is very light, and contains betaine and beta-carotene, useful for tanning.
- Onion
Onion is an excellent option to include in meals if you want to lose weight. It helps eliminate fluids, avoids constipation, and controls blood sugar levels. It is useful for those suffering from water retention or to purify the kidneys. It is also rich in vitamins A, C, E, and B group, in potassium, calcium, and sodium and is essential for its high content of phytoestrogens and cinnamon-like substances, which promote diuresis and therefore the elimination of liquid stagnations.
- Cucumbers
It is a vegetable with high water content and low in calories: ideal for satiation and perfect to add to salads but also as an ingredient for smoothies and extracts, as refreshing and diuretic. The tartaric acid present in the pulp helps to block the transformation of carbohydrates into fat. The present cellulose promotes intestinal transit and eliminates toxins, as well as reduces cholesterol. It contains 15 calories per 100 grams.
- Broccoli
Broccoli is a kind of vegetable with many properties, low in sodium and calories (only 34 per 100 grams), but rich in fiber. They are an excellent ally to fight fat and protect against cancer and many other diseases.
They are recommended in depurative diets as they allow fighting chronic constipation that causes swelling, as well as water retention. The natural content of antioxidants allows strengthening of the immune system. It is advisable not to cook them too much to keep their properties intact.
- Spinach
Spinach is a rich source of nutritional properties, has a low carbohydrate index and stems are rich in fiber. The nutrients contained are mainly vitamins A, C, E, K, B1, B2, and B2, as well as iron, magnesium, and calcium. It is always better to eat it raw or sautéed and not in water so as not to risk diluting the nutrients.
- Peppers
Peppers are rich in vitamins and minerals but low in calories. They help to burn the body’s calories, while the present capsaicin allows raising the body temperature and thus promoting weight loss.
- Tomatoes
Tomatoes purify the body, are rich in antioxidants, bioflavonoids, vitamins A, B, C, B3, and K, minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, zinc, magnesium, potassium, sodium, and manganese. They also have very few calories (20 per 100 grams). Tomato juice is excellent for a diet and healthy aperitif.
- Fennel
With only 9 calories per 100 grams, fennel is a crunchy and tasty snack, perfect to add to salad. It contains a lot of vitamin C and calcium and only 1% sugar. Eating fennel helps to reduce the glycemic index of foods rich in sugar taken in the same meal. Having a high satiating power, then, this vegetable soothes the desire for both sweet and salty. It promotes purification and regulates the intestine, deflating the belly.
- Celery
Celery contains only 16 calories per 100 grams. It contains betaine, a substance that helps to eliminate body fat, and is an antidepressant. It is very digestible being 95% composed of water and, for this reason, helps to purify the body, eliminating toxins and water retention. It has a satiating effect, improves kidney activity, regulates cholesterol, and improves circulation.
Do you want to know more about vegetables to lose weight? Book your free nutritional coaching with our nutritionists. They will give all the nutritional information you need.
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